La navidad, época de amor, paz y derroche donde año tras año llegan una de las mayores ofertas de Microsoft
Noche de paz… noche de amor… anda!, pero si ya están aquí las ofertas de navidad de Xbox One y este año tenemos una gran cantidad de juegos digitales a unos precios inmejorables. Las ofertas de navidad duran hasta el 4 de enero así que tenéis tiempo de sobra para pensar que le queréis pedir a los reyes magos o a Papa Noel (que está más cerca).
Este año tenemos ofertas para todos los gustos entre las que podemos encontrar juegos con buenas bajadas de precio como puede ser Battlefield V a 35 €, Borderlands: The Handsome Collection por 15 €, Call of duty Black ops IIII por 45,49 €, Dragon ball FigtherZ por 28 € o un pack de Spyro Reignited Trilogy + Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy por 52 €. Son muchas las destacables pero aquí os dejamos la lista completa publicada por Major Nelson . Aquí os dejamos con las listas de Xbox One y Xbox 360:
11-11 Memories Retold | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Adam’s Venture: Origins | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Agatha Christie – The ABC Murders | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Agents Of Mayhem | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Agents Of Mayhem – Total Mayhem Bundle | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Arcade Game Series: Ms. Pac-Man | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
ARK: Scorched Earth | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
ARK: Survival Evolved | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
ARK: Survival Evolved – Season Pass | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles – Trilogy | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Deluxe Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 35% / 45% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Gold Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Ultimate Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Origins | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Origins – Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Origins – Gold Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Origins – Season Pass | Add-On | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Gold Edition | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Unity | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
ASTRONEER (Game Preview) | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 20% | Countdown |
Attack On Titan | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Attack On Titan 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Bad North | Xbox One X Enhanced | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Banner Saga 3 | Xbox One Game | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Bastion | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Batman: Arkham Collection* | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Batman: Return to Arkham | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Battle Chasers: Nightwar | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Battlefield V | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Battlefield V Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Battlefield V Deluxe Edition Upgrade | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Battlefield World War Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Battleship | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Battlezone Gold Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
BioShock: The Collection | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Black The Fall | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Bomber Crew | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Burnout Paradise Remastered | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Black Ops Pass | Add-On | 05% / 10% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Digital Deluxe Enhanced* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 05% / 15% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Digital Deluxe* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 05% / 15% | Countdown |
Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicles Edition* | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Zombies Deluxe | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Ghosts | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Digital Deluxe Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Digital Legacy Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Launch Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: WWII – Digital Deluxe | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: WWII – Gold Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Carnival Games | Xbox One Game | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Cars 3: Driven To Win | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Chasm | Xbox One Game | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Child Of Light | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Conan Exiles | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack And Great White Shark Card Bundle | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack And Megalodon Shark Card Bundle | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack And Whale Shark Card Bundle | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Cuphead | Xbox Play Anywhere | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
Dark Souls II: Scholar Of The First Sin | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dark Souls III | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dark Souls III – Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dark Souls: Remastered* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
de Blob | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
de Blob 2 | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Dead Ahead: Zombie Warfare | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Dead By Daylight: Special Edition | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Dead Cells | Xbox One Game | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
Dead Rising | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Dead Rising 2 | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Dead Rising 4 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Dead Rising 4 Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Dead Rising 4 Season Pass | Add-On | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
Dead Rising Triple Bundle Pack | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Deadbeat Heroes | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Deep Rock Galactic (Game Preview) | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 30% | Countdown |
Defense Grid 2 | Xbox One Game | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Defiance 2050: Crusader Class Pack | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Descenders (Game Preview) | Xbox One Game | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Destiny 2: Forsaken | Xbox One X Enhanced | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Destiny 2: Forsaken + Annual Pass* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 05% / 15% | Countdown |
Destiny 2: Forsaken – Complete Collection* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Destiny 2: Forsaken – Digital Deluxe Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 05% / 15% | Countdown |
Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided | Xbox One Game | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – A Criminal Past | Add-On | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Season Pass | Add-On | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – System Rift | Add-On | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition – Demon Hunter Bundle | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition – Lady & Trish Costume Pack | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition – Super Nero/Super Dante/Super Vergil | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Devil May Cry HD Collection | Xbox One Game | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Devil May Cry HD Collection & 4SE Bundle | Xbox One Game | 35% / 45% | Countdown |
Diablo III: Eternal Collection | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
DiRT 4 | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Dishonored 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Dishonored Definitive Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Dishonored The Complete Collection | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider Deluxe Bundle | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Disneyland Adventures | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
Divinity: Original Sin 2 – Definitive Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Dmc Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
DOOM | Xbox One Game | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
DOOM + Wolfenstein II Bundle | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Dovetail Games Euro Fishing | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC Bundle | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dragon Age: Inquisition – Game Of The Year Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dragon Ball FighterZ | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Dragon Ball FighterZ – FighterZ Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Dragon Ball FighterZ – Ultimate Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Dragon Ball Xenoverse | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dragon Ball Xenoverse + Season Pass | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Super Bundle | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen | Xbox One Game | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Dreamfall Chapters | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Dungeon Defenders II Commander Pack | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Dungeon Defenders II Frostlord Pack | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition* | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Dynasty Warriors 9 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
EA Sports 19 Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
EA Sports NHL 19 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Earthfall | Xbox One Game | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
Elite Dangerous Standard Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Elite Dangerous: Commander Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season Pass | Add-On | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Euro Fishing: Hunters Lake | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Euro Fishing: Le Lac d’Or | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Euro Fishing: Ultimate Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Everspace | Xbox One X Enhanced | 70% / 70% | Countdown |
F1 2018 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Fallout 4 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Fallout 4: Automatron | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 4: Far Harbor | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 4: Game Of The Year Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Fallout 4: Nuka-World | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 4: Season Pass | Add-On | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 76 Standard Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 33% / 33% | Countdown |
Fallout 76 Tricentennial Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 35% / 35% | Countdown |
Far Cry 4 | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Far Cry 4 Gold Edition | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Far Cry 5 Deluxe Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Far Cry 5 Gold Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Far Cry 5 – Season Pass | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Far Cry 5* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Far Cry Primal – Apex Edition* | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Fe | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Fear Effect Sedna | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
FIFA 19 Champions Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
FIFA 19 Ultimate Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
FIFA 19 – NHL 19 Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 35% / 45% | Countdown |
FIFA 19* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
FIFA The Journey Trilogy* | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD | Xbox One Game | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
For Honor Marching Fire Edition | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
For Honor Standard Edition* | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
For Honor Year 1 : Heroes Bundle | Xbox One Game | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Forgotton Anne | Xbox One Game | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Forza Horizon 3 Hot Wheels | Add-On | 75% / 75% | Countdown |
Forza Horizon 4 Car Pass | Add-On | 40% / 40% | Countdown |
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
Forza Horizon 4 Standard Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 35% / 35% | Countdown |
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
Forza Motorsport 7 Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 35% / 35% | Countdown |
Forza Motorsport 7 Standard Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 50% | Countdown |
Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
Gears Of War 4 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 75% / 75% | Countdown |
Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Get Even | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Goat Simulator | Xbox One X Enhanced | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Goat Simulator DLC Bundle | Add-On | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Goragoa | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Grand Theft Auto V | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Grand Theft Auto V – Megalodon Shark Cash Card | Add-On | 05% / 15% | Countdown |
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card Bundle | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card Bundle | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card Bundle | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Graveyard Keeper | Xbox One Game | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
GTA Online: Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Hasbro Family Fun Pack | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Hasbro Family Fun Pack – Super Edition | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Hello Neighbor | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Hitman 2 – Gold Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Hitman 2 – Silver Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Hitman 2* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Hitman – Game Of The Year Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Homefront: The Revolution | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Homefront: The Revolution Expansion Pass | Add-On | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Homefront: The Revolution Freedom Fighter Bundle | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
How To Survive 2 | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
How To Survive: Storm Warning Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Human Fall Flat | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Hungry Shark World | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
I Hate Running Backwards | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Immortal: Unchained | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Impact Winter | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Infinite Minigolf | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Injustice 2 – Legendary Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Injustice 2* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
INSDIE & LIMBO Bundle | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
INSIDE | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Jurassic World Evolution | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Jurassic World Evolution – Deluxe Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Jurassic World Evolution – Deluxe Content | Add-On | 05% / 15% | Countdown |
Just Cause 3 | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Just Cause 4 – Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Just Cause 4 – Gold Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Just Cause 4 – Standard Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Just Dance 2019 | Xbox One Game | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
KickBeat Special Edition | Add-On | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition | Xbox Play Anywhere | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Killing Floor 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Killing Floor 2 – Headshot FX Bundle 1 | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Killing Floor 2 – Mrs. Foster | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Kingdom Come: Deliverance | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – From The Ashes | Add-On | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – Treasures Of The Past | Add-On | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
King’s Quest: The Complete Collection | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Kona | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
L.A. Noire | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris | Xbox One Game | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris & Season Pass Pack | Xbox One Game | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris Icy Death Pack | Add-On | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris Season Pass | Add-On | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
LEGO City Undercover | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
LEGO DC Super-Villains* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
LEGO Harry Potter Collection* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Deluxe Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
LEGO Movies Game Bundle* | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
LEGO The Incredibles | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
LEGO Worlds* | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Life Is Strange 2 Episode 1 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Life Is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Life Is Strange: Before The Storm Complete Season | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Life Is Strange: Before The Storm Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
LIMBO | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Little Nightmares Complete Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Lords Of The Fallen | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Lords Of The Fallen Digital Complete Edition | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Lords Of The Fallen – Complete Edition Bundle | Add-On | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Mad Max | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Madden NFL 19 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Madden NFL 19 – FIFA 19 Bundle | Xbox One Game | 35% / 45% | Countdown |
Madden NFL 19: Hall Of Fame Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Mafia III | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Mafia III Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 60% | Countdown |
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite – Character Pass | Add-On | 60% / 60% | Countdown |
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite – Deluxe Edition | Xbox Play Anywhere | 60% / 60% | Countdown |
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite – Monster Hunter | Add-On | 50% / 50% | Countdown |
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite – Premium Costume Pass | Add-On | 60% / 60% | Countdown |
Mass Effect: Andromeda – Deluxe Recruit Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Mass Effect: Andromeda – Standard Recruit Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Mega Man 11 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Mega Man 30th Anniversary Bundle | Xbox One Game | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Mega Man Legacy Collection | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Mega Man X Legacy Collection | Xbox One Game | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 | Xbox One Game | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Metal Gear Survive | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Metro 2033 Redux | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Metro Redux Bundle | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Metro: Last Light Redux | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor – Game of the Year Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 30% | Countdown |
Middle-earth: Shadow of War* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 60% | Countdown |
Mighty No. 9 | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Monopoly Plus | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Monster Hunter: World Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Moonlighter | Xbox Play Anywhere | 30% / 30% | Countdown |
Mortal Kombat XL* | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Moto Racer 4 | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
MotoGP 18 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Mulaka | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
MX vs ATV All Out | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
MXGP Pro | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
My Hero One’s Justice | Xbox One Game | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 | Xbox One Game | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 All-Star Pack – 16,000 Virtual Currency* | Add-On | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 Rookie Pack – 3,000 Virtual Currency* | Add-On | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
NBA 2K19 + NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 Bundle* | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
NBA 2K19 20th Anniversary Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
NBA 2K19 – 200,000 Virtual Currency | Add-On | 05% / 10% | Countdown |
NBA 2K19 – 450,000 Virtual Currency | Add-On | 05% / 10% | Countdown |
NBA 2K19 – 75,000 Virtual Currency | Add-On | 05% / 10% | Countdown |
NBA 2K19* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
NBA Live 19 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Need For Speed Payback | Xbox One X Enhanced | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Need For Speed Payback – Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
NHL 19 Gretzky Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
No Man’s Sky | Xbox One X Enhanced | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Octahedron | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Oh My Godheads | Xbox One Game | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Onrush | Xbox One X Enhanced | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Onrush Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Ori And The Blind Forest: Definitive Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Overcooked! 2 | Xbox One Game | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Overwatch Legendary Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Oxenfree | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Paladins Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Paladins Season Pass 2018 | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Phantom Dust – Multiplayer Content Pack | Add-On | 75% / 75% | Countdown |
Pinball FX3 – Jurassic World Pinball | Add-On | 50% / 50% | Countdown |
Pinball FX3 – Sci-Fi Pack | Add-On | 70% / 70% | Countdown |
Pinball FX3 – Star Wars Pinball: Solo Pack | Add-On | 30% / 30% | Countdown |
Pinball FX3 – Universal Classics Pinball | Add-On | 50% / 50% | Countdown |
Pinball FX3 – Williams Pinball: Volume 1 | Xbox One Game | 30% / 30% | Countdown |
PixARK (Game Preview) | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Pixel Piracy | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 – Frosty Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 – Frosty Standard Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Prey | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Prey + Dishonored 2 Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Prey: Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Prey: Mooncrash | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 David Beckham Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 Legend Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Project CARS 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Project CARS 2 Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Project CARS – Game of the Year Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Prototype Biohazard Bundle | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Pure Farming 2018 | Xbox One Game | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Pure Farming 2018 Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 35% / 45% | Countdown |
Quantum Break | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
R.B.I. Baseball 18 | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Rayman Legends | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Real Farm | Xbox One X Enhanced | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
ReCore | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 05% / 10% | Countdown |
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition | Xbox One Game | 05% / 10% | Countdown |
Remothered: Tormented Fathers | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Resident Evil | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 0 | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 0 Complete Costume Pack | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 4 | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 5 | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 6 | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Gold Edition | Xbox Play Anywhere | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Season Pass | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard – Banned Footage Vol1 | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard – Banned Footage Vol2 | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard – End Of Zoe | Add-On | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Revelations | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 Bundle | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Revelations 2 – Costume Pack | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Revelations 2 – Season Pass | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Triple Pack | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins Bundle | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Reus | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Ride | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
RIDE 3 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
RIDE 3 – Gold Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Riptide GP: Renegade | Xbox Play Anywhere | 60% / 60% | Countdown |
Rise Of The Tomb Raider Season Pass | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Rise of the Tomb Raider – 20 Year Celebration Pack | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Rise of the Tomb Raider – Cold Darkness Awakened | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Rise Of The Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
RISK | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Robocraft Infinity | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 60% | Countdown |
Robocraft Infinity Deluxe Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 60% | Countdown |
Robocraft Infinity Ultimate Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 60% | Countdown |
Rock Of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Rocket League | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Rocket League – DC Super Heroes DLC Pack | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Rocket League – Hot Wheels Bone Shaker | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Rocket League – Jurassic World Car Pack | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Romancing SaGa 2 | Xbox Play Anywhere | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
Rush: A DisneyPixar Adventure | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
Ryse: Legendary Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
ScreamRide | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Scribblenauts Mega Pack | Xbox One Game | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Scribblenauts Showdown | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Sea Of Thieves | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 50% | Countdown |
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider – Croft Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider – Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider – Season Pass | Add-On | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
Shadow Warrior 2 | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Shiftlings | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Shining Resonance Refrain | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Skyrim Special Edition + Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition | Xbox One Game | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
SMITE – The Battleground Of The Gods Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Sniper Elite 4 | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass Edition | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Sonic Forces Digital Standard Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Sonic Mania | Xbox One X Enhanced | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
SoulCalibur VI | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Soulcalibur VI Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
South Park: The Fractured But Whole | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
South Park: The Fractured But Whole – Gold Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
South Park: The Fractured But Whole – Season Pass | Add-On | 25% / 33% | Countdown |
Spyro + Crash Remastered Game Bundle* | Xbox One Game | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Spyro Reignited Trilogy | Xbox One Game | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Star Wars Battlefront II | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Starlink: Battle For Atlas – Collection Pack | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Starlink: Battle For Atlas – Deluxe Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Starlink: Battle For Atlas* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
State Of Decay 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 35% / 35% | Countdown |
State Of Decay 2: Ultimate Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 35% / 35% | Countdown |
State Of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Steep X Games Gold Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Steep* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Strange Brigade | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Strange Brigade Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Strider | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Sunset Overdrive | Xbox One Game | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Sunset Overdrive Season Pass | Add-On | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Super Bomberman R | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Super Lucky’s Tale | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf | Xbox One Game | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Tacoma | Xbox One X Enhanced | 75% / 75% | Countdown |
Tekken 7 | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Tekken 7 – Rematch Edition | Xbox One Game | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
TERA: Dragonrider Pack | Add-On | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
TERA: Starter Pack Deluxe | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The BioWare Bundle | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
The Crew 2 – Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
The Crew 2 – Gold Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Crew 2 – Season Pass | Xbox One Game | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
The Crew 2 – Standard Edition* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
The Disney Afternoon Collection | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: 14000 Crowns | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: 1500 Crowns | Add-On | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: 21000 Crowns | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: 3000 Crowns | Add-On | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: 5500 Crowns | Add-On | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Collection | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Collector’s Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Collector’s Edition Upgrade | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Upgrade | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
The Escapists 2 | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Evil Within | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Evil Within 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
The Evil Within Digital Bundle | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Evil Within Season Pass | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA Tour | Xbox One X Enhanced | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 | Xbox One Game | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
The LEGO Movie Videogame* | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
The LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
The MISSING: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories | Xbox One Game | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 Bundle – City Living, Vampires, Vintage Glamour Stuff | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 Bundle – Get to Work, Dine Out, Cool Kitchen Stuff | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 City Living | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 Dine Out | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 Get To Work | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 Seasons | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Sims 4 Vampires | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pass | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood And Wine | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts Of Stone | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
theHunter: Call Of The Wild | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Thief | Xbox One Game | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Thief – The Bank Heist | Add-On | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Ultimate Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands – Season Pass | Add-On | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands – Standard Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands: Year 2 Pass | Add-On | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege + The Division Bundle | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Advanced Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Complete Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s The Division | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s The Division Gold Edition | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s The Division Season Pass | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Torment: Tides Of Numenera | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Trackmania Turbo | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Train Sim World | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Train Sim World Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Train Sim World: Ruhr-Sieg Nord | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Train Sim World: West Somerset Railway | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Trials Of The Blood Dragon + Trials Fusion Awesome Max Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Trivial Pursuit Live! | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Trove – Double Dragon Pack | Add-On | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Trove – Dynomighty Miner | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Trove – Geode Companion Pack 1 | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Trove – Geode Companion Pack 2 | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Trove – Mega Menagerie Pack | Add-On | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 | Xbox One Game | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
UNO | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Unravel Two | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Unravel Yarny Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Valiant Hearts: The Great War | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Valkyria Chronicles 4 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Valley | Xbox One Game | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
War Thunder – Centurion Pack | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
War Thunder – Japanese Pacific Campaign | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
War Thunder – M18 Black Cat Pack | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
War Thunder – USA Pacific Campaign | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
War Thunder – Wyvern Pack | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Warface – Collector’s Starter Pack | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Warface – Rifleman Starter Pack | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Warface – Sniper Starter Pack | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Warframe: 1000 Platinum + Rare Mod | Add-On | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Warframe: 170 Platinum | Add-On | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
Warframe: 2100 Platinum + Dual Rare Mods | Add-On | 25% / 35% | Countdown |
Warframe: 3210 Platinum + Triple Rare Mods | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Warframe: 370 Platinum | Add-On | 17% / 25% | Countdown |
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Watch Dogs 2 | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Watch Dogs 2 – Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Watch Dogs 2 – Gold Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Watch_Dogs 2 – Season Pass | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Watch_Dogs Complete Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
What Remains Of Edith Finch | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Wolfenstein II The New Colossus | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Wolfenstein II The New Colossus Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One Game | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season Pass | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Wolfenstein: The New Order | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Wolfenstein: The Two-Pack | Xbox One Game | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
World of Tanks: Mercenaries – Blitzkrieg Mediums Sampler | Add-On | 10% / 20% | Countdown |
World of Tanks: Mercenaries – David and Goliath | Add-On | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Worms WMD | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
WWE 2K19 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
WWE 2K19 Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
XCOM 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
XCOM 2 Collection | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% / 67% | Countdown |
XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Yesterday Origins | Xbox One Game | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Yooka-Laylee | Xbox One Game | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Zombie Army Trilogy | Xbox One Game | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% / 25% | Countdown |
ŌKAMI HD | Xbox One X Enhanced | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Age of Booty | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Alone in the Dark | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
ArcaniA | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood – The Da Vinci Disappearance | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed III | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed III The Betrayal | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed III The Infamy | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed III The Redemption | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed IV Season Pass | Add-On | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Assassin’s Creed Rogue | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Asura’s Wrath | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Asura’s Wrath Episode Pack: Part IV | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Burning Earth | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Battlefield 3 | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Beyond Good & Evil HD | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Bionic Commando: Rearmed | Arcade | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
BioShock Infinite | Backward Compatible | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Blue Dragon | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Borderlands | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Borderlands 2 | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Bully Scholarship Edition | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Burnout Revenge | Backward Compatible | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare | Backward Compatible | 15% / 25% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Black Ops II | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Bundle | Games On Demand | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Black Ops | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 | Backward Compatible | 15% / 25% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Call of Duty: World at War | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger | Backward Compatible | 55% / 65% | Countdown |
Call of Juarez: The Cartel | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
CAPCOM Arcade Cabinet All-In-One Pack | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair | Arcade | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Catherine | Backward Compatible | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Conan | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Crackdown | Backward Compatible | 75% / 75% | Countdown |
Crackdown 2 | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Crysis | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Crysis 2 | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Crysis 3 | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Dark Void | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Darksiders II | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Darksiders II Argul’s Tomb | Add-On | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Darksiders II Death Rides Pack | Add-On | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Darksiders II Season Pass | Add-On | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Darkstalkers Resurrection | Arcade | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
de Blob 2 | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Dead Rising | Games On Demand | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Dead Rising 2 | Games On Demand | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Dead Rising 2 Off the Record | Games On Demand | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Dead Rising 2: Case West | Backward Compatible | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero | Backward Compatible | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Deadfall Adventures | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Deus Ex: Human Revolution | Backward Compatible | 80% / 90% | Countdown |
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – The Missing Link | Add-On | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Devil May Cry HD Collection | Games On Demand | 65% / 75% | Countdown |
DmC Devil May Cry | Games On Demand | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
DmC Devil May Cry – Vergil’s Downfall | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Dragon Age 2 | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Dragon Age: Origins | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
DuckTales: Remastered | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara | Backward Compatible | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Dustforce | Arcade | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
EA SPORTS FIFA 19 Legacy Edition | Games On Demand | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Elements of Destruction | Arcade | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Fallout 3 | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Fallout 3: Broken Steel | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 3: Operation: Anchorage | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 3: Point Lookout | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout 3: The Pitt | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout: New Vegas | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Fallout: New Vegas – Dead Money | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout: New Vegas – Honest Hearts | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout: New Vegas – Lonesome Road | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fallout: New Vegas – Old World Blues | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Fantastic Pets | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Far Cry 3 | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon | Backward Compatible | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Far Cry 4 | Games On Demand | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Far Cry 4 Season Pass | Add-On | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Far Cry 4 – Escape from Durgesh Prison | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Far Cry 4 – Hurk Deluxe Pack | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Far Cry 4 – Valley of the Yetis | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Far Cry Classic | Arcade | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Fight Night Champion | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Final Fantasay XIII-2 | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Final Fight: Double Impact | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Flock! | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition | Arcade | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Frontlines: Fuel of War | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Gears of War | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Gears of War 2 | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Gears of War 3 | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Gears of War: Judgment | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams | Arcade | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Goat Simulator | Backward Compatible | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | Backward Compatible | 23% / 33% | Countdown |
GTA IV | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Gyromancer | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
I Am Alive | Backward Compatible | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Killer Is Dead | Backward Compatible | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – Teeth of Naros | Add-On | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – The Legend of Dead Kel | Add-On | 20% / 30% | Countdown |
L.A. Noire | Games On Demand | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Lara Croft Tomb Raider Anniversary | Backward Compatible | 80% / 90% | Countdown |
Legend of Kay Anniversary | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Life is Strange Season Pass (Episodes 2-5) | Add-On | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Lost Odyssey | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Lost Planet 2 | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Lost Planet 3 | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Lost Planet Lost Colonies | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Mafia II | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Mass Effect | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Mass Effect 2 | Backward Compatible | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Mass Effect 3 | Backward Compatible | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Medal of Honor Airborne | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Mega Man 10 | Backward Compatible | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Mega Man 9 | Backward Compatible | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Metal Gear Solid HD Edition: 2 & 3 | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD Edition | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes | Games On Demand | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | Games On Demand | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Metro 2033 | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Metro: Last Light | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Mighty No. 9 | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
MotoGP14 | Games On Demand | 80% / 90% | Countdown |
Murdered: Soul Suspect | Games On Demand | 80% / 90% | Countdown |
MX Unleashed | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
MX vs. ATV Alive | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
MX vs. ATV Reflex | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
MX vs. ATV Supercross | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
MX vs. ATV Untamed | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
MXGP – The Official Motocross Videogame | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
NBA JAM: On Fire Edition | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Oblivion – Knights of the Nine | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Oblivion – Shivering Isles | Add-On | 30% / 40% | Countdown |
Outland | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Painkiller Hell & Damnation | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory* | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Prey | Backward Compatible | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Prince of Persia | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Rainbow Six Vegas | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Rayman 3 HD | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Rayman Legends | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Rayman Origins | Backward Compatible | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Red Dead Redemption | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Red Faction: Guerilla | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Remember Me | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 0 | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 0 Complete Costumes Pack | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 4 | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 5 | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 5 Untold Stories Bundle | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Resident Evil 6 | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Resident Evil HD | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Echo Six Expansion Pack 2 | Add-On | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Revelations | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Costume Pack | Add-On | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Season Pass | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Rise of the Tomb Raider | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Rise of the Tomb Raider Season Pass | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Rise of the Tomb Raider: Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Rise of the Tomb Raider: Endurance Mode | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Risen | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Risen 2: Dark Waters | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Risen 3 Titan Lords | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Rockstar Table Tennis | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Sacred 3 | Backward Compatible | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Sacred Citadel | Backward Compatible | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
ScreamRide | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Silent Hill: HD Collection | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Skate 3 | Backward Compatible | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Sleeping Dogs | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Sleeping Dogs – Nightmare In North Point Pack | Add-On | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Sleeping Dogs – The Year of the Snake | Add-On | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Sleeping Dogs – The Zodiac Tournament Pack | Add-On | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Sonic Adventure 2 | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Sonic Generations | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Spec Ops: The Line | Games On Demand | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
SSX3 | Backward Compatible | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Stacking | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
State of Decay | Arcade | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
State Of Decay: Breakdown | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
State Of Decay: Lifeline | Add-On | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Street Fighter IV | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Strider | Arcade | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Stuntman: Ignition | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition | Games On Demand | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 | Games On Demand | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
The Darkness II | Backward Compatible | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
The Escapists | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom | Backward Compatible | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition | Backward Compatible | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Thief | Games On Demand | 80% / 90% | Countdown |
Thunder Wolves | Arcade | 75% / 85% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfigher | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfigher 2 | Games On Demand | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Tomb Raider | Games On Demand | 80% / 90% | Countdown |
Tomb Raider Underworld | Backward Compatible | 80% / 90% | Countdown |
Tomb Raider: Legend | Backward Compatible | 80% / 90% | Countdown |
Trials Fusion | Arcade | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Trials HD | Backward Compatible | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Valiant Hearts: The Great War | Arcade | 50% / 60% | Countdown |
Watch_Dogs | Games On Demand | 57% / 67% | Countdown |
Watch_Dogs Season Pass | Add-On | 60% / 70% | Countdown |
Worms | Arcade | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Worms 2: Armageddon | Arcade | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Worms: Revolution | Arcade | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
Worms: Ultimate Mayhem | Games On Demand | 67% / 75% | Countdown |
XCOM: Enemy Within | Backward Compatible | 70% / 80% | Countdown |
Yosumin! LIVE | Backward Compatible | 40% / 50% | Countdown |